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Grow Tallahassee Position on the Noise Ordinance

 Grow Tallahassee advocates for a vibrant downtown where residents and businesses coexist, support one another and create a beautiful destination for our community as a whole. For that reason, we support both infill residential developments surrounding downtown Tallahassee, as well as robust private sector investments that would provide food, beverage and entertainment options. 


Recently, our board members participated in the meetings where the City of Tallahassee brought together stakeholders to discuss the request, made by the residents living in and around downtown Tallahassee, to revise the noise ordinance within the Urban Core.  

Initial proposals to modify the noise ordinance called for stopping or reducing music at 10:00 pm during weekdays and 12:00 am (midnight) during weekends. After participating in a series of discussions, we concluded that the most of the noise complaints voiced by the residents are directly associated with vehicles in the parking lots, backyard college parties and outdoor concerts - not necessarily from businesses that keep the music indoors and implement noise mitigation measures in their buildings as part of their business plan. Consequently, Grow Tallahassee does not support a noise ordinance that would punish Urban Core businesses in a broad stroke  by limiting when music is played, as initially proposed. Instead, we support regulating the noise generated by outdoor speakers.


After discussing multiple draft ordinances, Grow Tallahassee supports the final version (dated 03/07/2023) that regulates the outdoor amplified sound within the Urban Core any day of the week between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m, while allowing businesses to play music within the building at a reasonable volume till 2:00 am. 

When it comes to growing downtown Tallahassee, we must strike a balance between the needs of the residents and businesses. This requires an open dialogue and compromise. Grow Tallahassee will continue to participate in policy discussions that impact our community and bridge the gap between stakeholders. 


© 2023 by Grow Tallahassee, Inc.

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